Ramco sets the standard for flexible modular washing systems with compact multi station consoles that maximize cleaning capability while minimizing the use of valuable floor space. The basic system is very flexible, designed to accept a broad range of auxiliary items, making it adaptable and suitable for a wide variety of applications.
MKD, MKT and MKQ Series
The two stage MKD (D=Double), three stage MKT (T=Triple) and four stage MKQ (Q= Quad) are standard Migi-Kleens combined into multi stage consoles. They are designed to minimize the use of valuable floor space and provide all the versatility and flexibility of single station MK units. The basic MKD is offered in Wash/Rinse and Rinse/Dry consoles. The MKT is offered in Wash/Rinse/Rinse and Wash/Rinse/Dry consoles. The MKQ is offered in Wash/Rinse/Rinse/Dry consoles.