Comparing Vapor Degreasing and Ultrasonic Cleaning
October 28, 2020
Is Your Finishing Process Creating An Exceptional End Product?
October 28, 2020Vapor degreasing is a popular cleaning process used by many industrial facilities for finishing the parts that they manufacture. This method involves boiling a cleaning solvent and using the vapors produced to dissolve dirt and anomalies from the parts being finished. Vapor degreasing is a highly effective parts cleaning method because the vapor can coat an entire part and clean efficiently, but it is also a process that should be handled properly within the facility. There are a few guidelines that should be followed regarding where to install your facility’s vapor degreasing equipment and how to safely test and operate it, both for efficient processing and for employee safety.
Equipment Location
The most important decision to be made during the installation process of your new vapor degreasing equipment is where in the facility it should be located. Firstly, proper ventilation is important, as the solvent vapors do give off a fume that can be dangerous when breathed in high quantities. Baron Blakeslee equipment meets all NESHAP and OSHA requirements for health and safety, including standard 100%-125% free board ratios for maximum emission mitigation. Humidity is also a factor that comes into play, as high humidity can ruin the effectiveness of the vapors. Any climate controlled area should suffice, but specifically low-humidity areas are recommended. Finally, keeping the vapor degreaser in close proximity to the other workflow equipment will increase efficiency and allow for faster processing of parts.
Safety Considerations
Safety should always be the primary concern when installing a vapor degreaser. When a Baron Blakeslee degreaser is properly maintained, the emission rate is negligible, and solvent loss from drag out and evaporative loss is minimized. When in doubt, process test the vapor degreaser before finalizing its location and practice safety protocols so that they can be executed perfectly when production begins.
If you have any further questions or concerns about how to best install and process test your new vapor degreaser, we at Mikro Industrial Finishing are here to help. We offer a wide selection of vapor degreasers so we can help you not only select the perfect one for your facility, but ensure that it is installed in a safe and efficient place. For more information, please feel free to call us any time at (860) 875-6357.