Is Your Finishing Process Creating An Exceptional End Product?
October 28, 2020
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October 28, 2020If you are an industrial company that has any kind of parts finishing process, then it is essential that your process is as efficient as it can be. A subpar finishing process will not only lead to products that might lose you current and potential customers, but also lead to a loss due to a higher than necessary cost of production. Manufacturing is a punishing industry when processes aren’t efficient, but thankfully there are a number of ways that you can assess the efficiency of your finishing process and set up for business for success in the long run.
Procedures and Energy Usage
The most obvious way to assess your finishing process is to ask yourself if you are doing everything correctly. If there is any part of the process that isn’t operating the way that it should, it may be time to either replace that piece of equipment, repair the parts that are wrong with it, or switch to a different method of finishing entirely. It is also possible that the equipment is working properly, but the operator or the automation of the process is off. Employee training or reconfiguring of the system might be in order in this situation. Another assessment to make is the energy cost of the process. This ties into equipment and procedures, as newer machinery and better processes might lower energy costs along with efficiency.
Safety and Environmental Concerns
Any industrial process carries a level of risk with it and this risk should be minimized, both for the safety of employees and for the limiting of liability costs. If there are areas or procedures that aren’t safe, they should be stopped immediately and made to be. This may include moving equipment or investing in better protective gear, a very worthwhile investment to be made. Finally, finishing processes always create some kind of byproduct which can be dangerous to both the immediate workspace and environment at large. It may be worthwhile to switch to products and pieces of equipment that are designed to be environmentally friendly if this is important to you. It may be worthwhile to switch even if not, as they tend to run more efficiently overall.
If you are having trouble making an accurate assessment of your facility’s finishing processes, we at Mikro Industrial Finishing can help. Whether it is to recommend new pieces of equipment or determine that your particular jobs might be better outsourced to our Mikro Job Shop, we will do our best to make an accurate assessment and help all of your business processes run as efficiently as possible. To learn more and to consult with us today, please call (860) 875-6357.