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September 16, 2020
What Parts Manufacturers Look For In Their Finishing Equipment
September 16, 2020When the COVID-19 pandemic started, many companies in all industries were impacted. In the wake of the disease, many facilities shut down or were forced to work under limited staff and under restricted conditions. Some companies, on the other hand, had to work extra hard to meet demands that were not expected of them before. Companies in the medical manufacturing field fall under this latter category and have had many struggles to endure in order to meet the changes in demand since COVID-19.
Short-Term Demand Changes
The most notable and obvious impact to demand changes for medical manufacturing will be in the short-term ones. As you have no doubt already experienced if you are in this field, the demand for medical devices and, more importantly, parts to make medical devices, has skyrocketed when the pandemic began. This is obviously due to the necessity for testing and treatment of COVID-19 in medical facilities. The strain this has put on manufacturers has been in the need to ramp up production, which can be profitable if executed correctly. Being able to produce more quickly and efficiently has and will determine the success of medical manufacturing companies moving forward.
Long-Term Demand Changes
In the long-term, many medical manufacturing companies will need to figure out how to adjust their business practices in a new normal. One factor for companies to consider is how their suppliers can keep up with their own demands. If a manufacturing company can produce quickly, but does not receive supplies quickly, production will not be able to ramp up successfully. When the pandemic is over, this may be moot, but in the meantime, it reveals who the best suppliers are. Moreover, all points in the manufacturing process should be evaluated based on how quickly they were able to respond, as it could make the difference in success should we face another crisis like this again.
Parts finishing is an important part of medical manufacturing that will also determine the success of a company that is able to meet the changes in demand since COVID-19. We at Mikro Industrial Finishing are committed to providing not only the best possible equipment for parts finishing, but can also complete jobs quickly at our Job Shop. To learn more about our equipment and services, please call us any time at (860) 875-6357.